Your financial future starts today.

Decisions, decisions, decisions. Every minute of every day, we make decisions that affect our daily life. Which decisions must I make today? Which decisions can I put off until tomorrow?
Investment Services help you with asset analysis of your current and retirement investments
Planning for tomorrow or even next week is as challenging as preparing for your future financial security. Many of our daily choices are made in the blink of an eye with the hope for a beneficial outcome.
Setting a good foundation for a healthy fiscal future is essential for tomorrow’s happiness – both for us as individuals and for our loved ones.
Conducting a retirement analysis now is your first step towards finding a suitable retirement product. And having an estate preservation plan will help you safeguard your family by minimizing estate taxes. If you already have a retirement plan in place, you have a number of options to help you preserve your estate.
Rast Financial Services helps you find suitable opportunities to invest your funds with maximum tax benefits.
Helping your business grow is good for you, your employees and your family.
Providing quality benefits for your employees and yourself is all part of growing a healthy business. Rast Financial helps you understand the complex world of employee benefits and matches your financial and coverage needs to high quality programs.
Individual benefits programs may provide the appropriate levels of benefits while allowing you to sustain and grow a healthy business.
Rast Financial works with your benefits coordinator to select a suitable combination of Medical, Dental, Disability and Group Retirement programs for your company. And we can arrange a payroll deduction program that makes it simple for you and your employees to save for the future.